How Clean Creatives Is Inspiring Creative Agency Employees (And Clients) To Drop Fossil Fuel Collaborations

How Clean Creatives Is Inspiring Creative Agency Employees (And Clients) To Drop Fossil Fuel Collaborations

The Future of Creativity Is Clean Clean Creatives Clean Creatives is a global initiative to end the creative, media and PR industry’s association with fossil fuel polluters. The movement has garnered support from over 800 agencies and 2,000 individuals in the creative field. The core mission of Clean Creatives is to expose the truth about…

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Media Buying Briefing: A look at agencies’ holiday spending strategies this year

Media Buying Briefing: A look at agencies’ holiday spending strategies this year

This year’s holiday spending season indicates earlier sales periods and audio trends that could attract more Gen Z consumers. Additionally, artificial intelligence and measurement will play a bigger role during these competitive times. The holiday shopping surge is expected to surpass previous December peak periods, with 50% of spending expected this November alone, according to…

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Agency Leaders Give Thanks, Part II

Agency Leaders Give Thanks, Part II

It’s the time of year to give thanks for all we have and reflect on the positives of our industry. Adweek interviewed a group of agency leaders and creatives about what they are thankful for this holiday, and there were so many responses we wanted to give everyone interviewed a chance to weigh in. Below…

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